Epoch Key Proof

The zero-knowledge circuit of epoch key proof in UniRep

Epoch key is computed by

hash(identityNullifier, epoch, nonce) % epochTreeDepth

The epoch key proof in UniRep is used to prove that

  1. The epoch key is in the epoch that user claims.

  2. The epoch key nonce is between 0 and numEpochKeyNoncePerEpoch - 1.

  3. The owner of the epoch key has registered in UniRep and has performed the user state transition in the latest epoch. In other words, the user has a leaf in the global state tree.

Public inputs

  • epoch: the claimed epoch that the epoch key is in

  • epoch_key: the claimed epoch key

  • GST_root: the global state tree root that the user has a leaf in

Private inputs

  • nonce: the nonce of epoch key. It should be in range [0, numEpochKeyNoncePerEpoch)

  • identity_nullifier: the identity that the semaphore protocol uses, and it is also used to generate an epoch key.

  • identity_trapdoor: the identity trapdoor key that the semaphore protocol uses The hash output of identity_nullifier, and identity_trapdoor is the identity_commitment and it is used to generate a global state tree leaf by

const GST_leaf = hash(identity_commitment, UST_root)
  • user_tree_root: the user state tree root. It is used to compute the global state tree leaf

  • GST_path_index: the path index routes from leaf to root in the global state tree. It should be either 0 or 1 to indicate if the element is in the right sibling or the left sibling.

  • GST_path_elements: The sibling node that should be hashed with current path element to get the root.


1. Check if user exists in the Global State Tree

Check if hash(identity_commitment, UST_root) is one of the leaves in the global state tree of root GST_root.

2. Check nonce validity

Check if nonce < EPOCH_KEY_NUM_PER_EPOCH

3. Check epoch key is computed correctly

Check if epoch_key = hash(identityNullifier, epoch, nonce) % epochTreeDepth

See the whole circuit in circuits/verifyEpochKey.circom

Last updated