-e ETH_PROVIDER, --eth-provider ETH_PROVIDER
A connection string to an Ethereum provider. Default: http://localhost:8545
-id IDENTITY, --identity IDENTITY
The (serialized) user's identity
-n EPOCH_KEY_NONCE, --epoch-key-nonce EPOCH_KEY_NONCE
The epoch key nonce
-a ATTESTER_ID, --attester-id ATTESTER_ID
The attester id (in hex representation)
The number of reputation nullifiers to prove
-mr MIN_REP, --min-rep MIN_REP
The minimum positive score minus negative score the attester given to the user
The pre-image of the graffiti for the reputation the attester given to the user (in hex representation)
-x CONTRACT, --contract CONTRACT
The Unirep contract addressin
This command will help other users with reputation proof with Unirep.reputation.proof prefix and it public signals with Unirep.reputation.publicSignals prefix to call the Unirep smart contract to verify the proof.
-e ETH_PROVIDER, --eth-provider ETH_PROVIDER
A connection string to an Ethereum provider. Default: http://localhost:8545
-ep EPOCH, --epoch EPOCH
The latest epoch user transitioned to. Default: current epoch
The snark public signals of the user's epoch key
-pf PROOF, --proof PROOF
The snark proof of the user's epoch key
-x CONTRACT, --contract CONTRACT
The Unirep contract address