9. Attester attest to epoch key

npx ts-node cli/index.ts attest \
    -epk $EPOCH_KEY  \
    -toi 1  \
    -pr 5  \
    -nr 4  \
    -gf 0x2098f5fb9e239eab3ceac3f27b81e481dc3124d55ffed523a839ee8446b64864  \
    -s 1

After attestation is submitted successfully, the message will be printed

Attesting to epoch key 1421637519 with pos rep 5, neg rep 4, graffiti 0x2098f5fb9e239eab3ceac3f27b81e481dc3124d55ffed523a839ee8446b64864 and sign up flag 1
Transaction hash: 0xcfa6432b326343c679285cebc8a7cefbb0489ad4a636d4e87b649d27892bd9f5h


-epk is the epoch key of the receiver

-toi is the proof index of the epoch key

-pr (optional) is the positive reputation given to the user

-nr (optional) is the negative reputation given to the user

-gf (optional) is the graffiti for the reputation given to the user

-s (optional) is the sign up flag to give to the user to indicate the attester authenticates the user's membership.

See: cli/attest for more attest options

Last updated